Butlers for Private Households

A Butler has a variety of responsibilities, and these often extend beyond the basic household management, as they are responsible for the overall operation, maintaining high standards of service and ensuring the smooth functioning of the household.

Kensington house

Responsibilities of a Butler:

Household management

A Butler oversees and coordinates the work of other domestic staff, such as housekeepers, cooks, gardeners, and drivers – ensuring all daily tasks are carried out in line with the household’s standards and preferences.

Formal service

A Butler is skilled in setting and serving formal meals, managing table settings, and ensuring the dining experience is elegant and well-executed. They may also be responsible for arranging and serving drinks and managing wine cellars.

Household protocols and etiquette

A Butler is well-versed in proper etiquette and formalities. They understand social customs, formal events and cultural traditions.


A Butler can oversee the cleanliness and maintenance of the households. Their role is to ensure all rooms are kept tidy, linens are well-maintained and valuables are secure. They may also coordinate deep cleaning, maintenance, and repairs, working closely with other staff members or external contractors.

Inventory management

A Butler is responsible for managing household inventories, including fine china, silverware, and other valuables. They keep detailed records of household assets, ensuring proper storage, maintenance, and regular inspections. They can also manage the procurement of supplies and manage household budgets.

Security and safety

A Butler plays an important role in maintaining the security of the household, the Principal and their family. They may take responsibility for the maintenance of security systems, access controls and emergency protocols.

Personal assistance

A Butler can often provide personal assistance – such as running personal errands, manage appointments and schedules, coordinate travel arrangements, and provide general support to ensure the smooth functioning of the household.

Footsteps up to double glass doors of a private residence.


What is the salary of a Butler in a Private Household?

A Butler can earn anywhere between £50,000 – £60,000, depending on their level of responsibilities and experience.

Cora works with a diverse and international Private Client base – do get in touch if you would like to discuss how we can help you find a suitable Butler for your household.