How to properly reference check household staff

Candidate screening and reference checks are a vital element of the interview process. Our clients need to be reassured that any new members of staff are well-suited to their requirements, and crucially are a long-term success for the household.

At Cora, we conduct rigorous reference and background checks, comprising of a DBS check, along with written and verbal references and social media checks.

Taking a verbal reference is paramount to gain additional, valuable insight on the candidate, which is often more than you can get from a standard interview process.

What reference checks should you request?

Right to work

It’s important to check the candidate’s working rights – so a proof of address and a National Insurance number must be provided by the candidate.

A written reference

Written references tend to be received from the Principal, or from a PA/House Manager.

They should confirm the following information:

  • Dates of employment
  • Hours worked
  • Scope of responsibilities
  • Skills possessed by the candidate
  • Confirmation on whether they lived-in or out

A verbal reference

Firstly, it’s important to identify the referee by asking them to confirm their name, job title and organisation. The referee should also be notified that their reference will be treated confidentially.

When conducting a verbal reference, a series of questions should be asked, such as:

  • What was your relationship with the candidate?
  • How long did you work with each other?
  • How would you rate their work?
  • What were their daily duties?
  • Were they dependable?
  • Did they complete the tasks and assignments given to them?

All responses should then be documented. The referee should then be sent the reference document to read, sign and return.

Social media checks

Finally, it is wise to do a general check of social media, and a google search, to ensure there is nothing which may raise concern about the candidate.

How to properly reference check household staff