Why engage with an HR professional?

Having private household staff should enable you to spend more time on things you enjoy, without the hassle of having to manage staff or fear any indiscretions regarding your family or personal affairs. With so much involved in running a household, HR often doesn’t get the focus it needs, or individuals are put in charge of managing the team with little or no experience of managing people and/or HR knowledge.

For many HR isn’t an issue, until you have an issue. You may be lucky and never experience any challenges along the way but equally getting things wrong or in place too late, can be costly both financially and for your reputation.

Putting the foundations in place from the start is so important, here is why:

Clarity and consistency

Having clear contracts of employment in place, HR policies/rules, comprehensive job descriptions and clear processes ensures that you, your chief of staff/PA and your employees know what is expected. It will ensure they are more settled and confident in their role, allowing staff to perform at their best and doing what you need them to, whilst also protecting your household, your reputation, and your private affairs.

Keeping on the right side of the law

Employment legislation is complex, employees have many rights and as an employer you have a lot to comply with and to understand. Not knowing is never a defence, even if you only have one member of staff.


To ensure your household runs smoothly – handling challenges, such as resolving conflict among staff, must be done fairly and within the law. Good management minimises conflict and increases trust in your household.


There is no bottomless pit of money. The cost of your employees is not insignificant and so making sure you spend this money wisely is paramount. You want and need the right people, doing the right things at the right time and working as one team.

Our HR professional, Lyn, knows the law and has years of experience in creating contracts of employment, building valuable staff handbooks and relevant policies, as well as providing guidance and support to manage any challenges you may face. She can also help with ensuring you retain the very best staff for your household.

For further information, and details on how we can help, please get in touch with our HR expert, Lyn.

Why engage with an HR professional?